Charlie Claggett, Sr has been chasing the 300 game for some time. On February 26,2022, Charlie and his wife, Goldie, came out to HBC to the Brunswick bowling test drive event. He found that the Hammer 25th anniversary 3D Offset rolled well for him. Charlie came in to see Dave Kurtz in the Hanover Bowling Centre pro shop and ordered one. In the second week of having the new Hammer 3D Offset, Charlie reached the pinnacle of the sport, a 300 game, with rolling 12 strikes in a row.
Thank you Charlie and Goldie for allowing Dave Kurtz Coaching and Alpha and Omega Bowling take care of your bowling needs. Great Bowling, Charlie!
#HanoverBowlingCentre #DaveKurtzCoaching #AlphaandOmegaBowling
#BrandsofBrunswick #Nothinghitslikeahammer #HammerBowling